░░░░ Hi, Welcome
I'm a designer and developer with 16 years of experience building software products. Most of my career has been spent working on startups, two of which I co-founded, but I've also spent time at large companies and done a variety of freelance client work. I'm currently working on another venture in the financial technology space.
I'm publishing this site in the time-honoured tradition of weird and infrequently visited personal websites, something that seems to have fallen out of fashion over the last decade or so.
This is primarily a place for me to play around with web technologies, explore more esoteric design motifs than are usually possible in commercial work, and collect scraps of my work in games and music.
The design of the site is inspired by my love of the aesthetics of vintage synthesizers, outmoded graphics rendering techniques, and the spiritual essence of 90's multimedia CD-ROMs like Microsoft Encarta. Thanks for stopping by!
┌──────────── Specifications ───────────┐
Framework •••••••••••••••••••• Next.js 14
Styles •••••••••••••••••••••• Tailwind 3
Fonts •••••••••••••••••• Departure Mono
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